Holiday Home Security Tips – Locksmith West Hollywood
Most thieves will wait on a chance where you are distracted, giving them more incentive to commit a crime at a certain time, during the holiday season anybody’s mind could be elsewhere making it easy to leave a door or window open without being locked. Our team of home security Locksmith West Hollywood recommend to use this checklist when leaving your house unattended just to ensure that no wrongful doing comes your way this holiday season and every season of the year. Below is a brief checklist of things to keep an eye on.
Make sure your home is secure
- Be sure all doors are locked and secured before leaving the house, most break ins occur because of unlocked doors
- Invest in a home security system (also makes a great gift)
- Never store your spare keys outside of the home ( keep them with a neighbor or close friend)
Hide your presents and belongings!
- Many thieves will try their best to inspect your house before a crime, if they see something they want in plain sight that might give them more incentive to steal!
- Keep storage locked
Decorate Smart!
- Never run extension cords through windows into the home this will allow easy access for anyone interested in breaking in
- Try keeping your lights on when youre not home, letting people know someone is home
Locksmith West Hollywood |HOLIDAY HOME SECUIRTY TIPS (323) 306-5221